1pm, 20 May 2023 - SWANSEA
Starting at Wind Street, finishing at the Waterfront.

Marchers are encouraged to meet from 12pm on Saturday 20th May at Wind Street Swansea with the march leaving promptly at 1pm.
Facebook event page - facebook.com/events/1275424253022626
ROUTE MAP - Starting at Wind Street at 1pm
Wind Street > Castle Street > College Street > The Kingsway > Dillwyn Street > Oxford Street > St Mary's Square > Princess Way > Waterfront. Total distance: 1.80 km (1.10 mi)

INDY WALES RALLY - Following the March
Following the march there will be a Rally at the National Waterfront Museum Green, starting from around 2pm, with a large stage and screen, speakers and music. Confirmed speakers are:
Mike Parker - Author
Liz Saville-Roberts MP - Plaid Cymru Westminster Leader
Anthony Slaughter - Wales Green Party Leader
Naomi Hughes - YesCymru
Mirain Angharad Owen - Cymdeithas yr iaith
Cllr Rachel Garrick - Labour for Indy
Robin McAlpine - Campaigner from Scotland
An Indy Market will be held once again by YesCymru at the Swansea March. The stands will be open from 10am-4pm at the National Waterfront Museum Green in Swansea on 20 May 2023. The March itself will start at 1pm from Wind Street.

Folk, Poetry and Hwyl (YesAbertawe), 7pm-11pm, Friday 19/05, Volcano.
Can Wales afford not to be independent? (Melin Drafod), 7.30pm, Friday 19/05, Tŷ Tawe - Free / £5.53.
Indy Market (YesCymru), 10am-4pm, Saturday 20/05, The National Waterfront Museum Green.
The Poverty Panel Discussion (YesAbertawe), 3.30pm-4.45pm, Saturday 20/05, Volcano Theatre - Free / Donations.
Comedy with Noel James and Friends, 4pm-5pm, Saturday 20/05, Schooner Inn - Free / Donations.
Creu Cymru Rydd, Werdd, Gymraeg (Cymdeithas yr Iaith), 4pm-5pm, Saturday 20/05, Tŷ Tawe - Free / Donations. WELSH LANGUAGE EVENT.
Poems for Indy (Red Poets), 3pm-5pm, Saturday 20/05, No Sign Bar - Free / Donations.
Welsh Folk Session, 5pm-7pm, Saturday 20/05, The Queens - Free.
March Route Breakdown - Swansea (Google Doc)
Toilets & Changing Places - Swansea (Google Doc)
Public Transport / Private Hire - Swansea (Google Doc)
Parking - Swansea (Google Doc)
Hotels - Swansea (Google Doc)
YesCymru are organising coaches to the March for Independence in Swansea on 20 May. Tickets via the YesCymru Shop - yes.cymru/shop
AUOBCymru aim to raise £3,000 towards the costs of every March for Independence. Please donate whatever you can. The Marches for Independence are also generously funded by YesCymru.